Sunday, September 26, 2010

I do what I do not want to do...

...and what I want to do I do not do.

For example: coffee. I drink A LOT of coffee.  Which means, I buy A LOT of coffee.  Espressos, lattes, cappuccinos, mochas, black, with name it, I drink it.  And if I don't drink it I get a headache.  Uh, I think I'm addicted.  Actually, I KNOW I'm addicted.  But see, I love coffee. 

Think about it like this.  Coffee brings people together! If I want to have girl time, we go to coffee.  Bible study time, go to coffee.  Catch up time, go to coffee.  Relaxing time, go to coffee.  Staying awake for studying, go to coffee.  Stress reliever, go to coffee.  Get-away-from-it-all, go to coffee.  There is never a bad excuse to not have coffee. 


Coffee provides a few issues.  Like, it makes me poor.  Seriously.  Ok, so I buy pretty generic coffee in bulk to drink everyday (which btw is really good with a little milk and cinnamon).  But, there are those times where I make coffee runs...any excuse will do.  Its Friday.  Its test day.  Its a late study night.  Its been a stressful day.  I have a gift card.  Its fall.  Its summer.  Its spring.  Its winter. Its early.  I'm not awake yet.

You get the idea. 

I've often considered giving up coffee. But....the thought of giving up fellowship and getting headaches is not a good option. 

Oh! I just have to impart some of my favorite coffee drinks before I go...because I can.

Starbucks: Pretty much anything, but the standard fallbacks are Pumpkin Spice Latte, Cinnamon Dolce Latte with soy milk, any of the Christmas drinks (peppermint mocha...), and White Chocolate Mocha.

Meads Corner: Peanut Butter Latte.  Hands down the best thing ever. 

Scooters: Vanilla Latte, Chunky Monkey Latte, Chi Latte.  They also have amazing smoothies.

Quick Trip: French Vanilla Latte. Every time. 

Panera: Hazelnut...fresh brewed.  mmmmmm. 

Seattles Best: Cinnabon with just a little bit of cream.

Of course there is always this amazing pumpkin spice coffee that Cracker Barrel sells (thanks to LaVonna for introducing me to this one :-)  I guess I'm somewhat of a connoisseur of coffee.

Oh.  NEVER EVER drink McDonalds coffee.  Its burnt.  Always.

Much Love

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dear Ragweed: please go away

So, allergies are a nuisance.  What is even more annoying is the fact that although I used to have horrible allergies and they actually went away for a number of years, they are back worse then ever before.  Dad asked me today if I was praying for the first freeze.  Indeed I am. 

I started a cascade of medications for this annoying issue.  I know Benadryl works, so it was the first solution to be tried.  After two afternoons of being completely knocked out and not getting anything done outside a two hour nap (which was amazing), I knew I had to find something else.  Next on the list was Claritin.  Claritin looked good, I mean, the commercials say its "Claritin clear."  It had to work!, not quite.  After giving Claritin a chance, realizing it did NOTHING and taking more Benadryl (and more naps) I decided to take a facebook poll. 

So I asked people what they suggested.  The top two results were Zyrtec and Allegra.  Since I didn't want to get a prescription if I didn't have to, I tried Zyrtec.  And you know what? It WORKED! Amazing!!!

My joy didn't last long.  Sure Zyrtec works, but I still have to take Benadryl at night to help me sleep.  Another thing that I have discovered is that Zyrtec does nothing to help with congestion.  Next on the list: the Neti Pot.

Everyone boasts about the Neti Pot, this wondrous remedy that supposedly cleans out the nasal passages allowing you to breathe.  Um...the Neti Pot made things worse.  Supposedly this happens at first, so I'm being optimistic.  Maybe it gets worse before it gets better, who knows. 

I do know that Sudafed relieved the congestion a lot faster then the Neti Pot.

Much Love

Saturday, September 11, 2010

So...about that...

Apparently I'm really bad at blogging; I never update.  Does this mean my life is boring? Hmmm....

Well, I guess I'll fill ya'll in about what has been happening these last few weeks.  Grad school is, um, not what I expected.  At Friends as an undergrad I was used to 15+ days and never having enough time to do anything.  At WSU as a grad student I feel like I'm looking for things to do.  To be honest, that is super hard for someone like me.  I like to be busy, to run on tight deadlines and to pull things out last minuet.  Its also been a change in the fact that I'm just barely getting to know people.  My goal in grad school isn't to make lifelong friendships like I did at Friends.  I mean, I want to get in and out so I can get this degree and start to teach my children with special needs the joys of music.  That is my passion, that is my love, and to be honest, its driving me crazy that I can't do that right now.  BUT....I know 100% this is where God wants me to be because He worked out everything beautifully for my story.  So I will adjust as needed and see where it takes me :-)

With all that said...I quit orchestra after one week. What, you ask?  I thought you were dying to play in orchestra again! Well, I was.  God again taught me a lesson.  I got 3rd chair in the orchestra and I've never sat 3rd in my life....rarely did I even sit 2nd chair.  So, that was a HUGE hit on my pride, and it was much needed.  I went to orchestra for that first week determined to make this work, to bloom where I'm planted. drove me crazy.  Cause at WSU, being 3rd chair in the orchestra basically means you play when they need you...which is like never.  Only on pieces that had english horn did I get to play 2nd part.  Then we got the performance schedule.  I looked at the performance schedule, I added up how much gas I was using just to make 2 extra trips out to orchestra, and I looked at the frustration at not playing I had...and made the decision to quit.  And I couldn't be happier :-) Funny how God uses things like that, huh?  Even in the first week of school He said "my plans are higher then yours."

So now I'm looking at what to do with all this time I seem to have.  Literally every afternoon is free, which would be fine if I was bogged in homework like I'm used to.  I've placed a call to USD 259 to see if they can transfer all my paperwork I submitted for teaching over to the substitute office.  I'm hoping that maybe I can substitute teach in the afternoons.  I REALLY miss teaching in the schools.

And...there ya'll go.  I updated :-)  My life isn't that exciting, I feel like I'm in a weird holding/transition/immobile stage of my life.  Kinda like I've got to get through these 2 years before something happens.  But hey, if I live each day looking to the future I'll never appreciate what I have.  Each day is beautiful and that's all I've got.  So I'll live each day to its fullest as I slowly learn to let go of my own plans. 

God is good.  And He is big. :-)

Much love <3