Tuesday, February 8, 2011

L. O. V. E.'s just a word I never learned to pronounce. (not really...that's from a song duh)

For your viewing pleasure, a note from Valentines Day last year.  I have included all comments.  The views and opinions of the author have not changed in a years time :-(

L. O. V. E.'s just a word I never learned to pronounce. (not really...that's from a song duh)

by Susanna Atkinson on Sunday, February 14, 2010 at 12:47am
Valentine's Day.

Those two words mean completely opposite things in basically two categories.

First Category: Those with a significant other (syn: disgustingly cute couples)
Description - For people in this category Valentine's Day is the time when in most cases, the guy is expected to show his love and care for his girl in some way. Many guys use the typical fallback of chocolate and flowers. Some grease those gears somewhere in their head and start the wheels turning to think of something crazy and exciting to surprise their girls with. Restaurants overflow with couples out to that special dinner. What I find amusing is walking into Dillon's at about 2:00pm and the flower section is entirely cleaned out and there are still men meandering around desperately trying to get a decent bouquet. People in this category know that on Valentine's Day someone very special is thinking about them and will do anything and everything they can to show how much they love and care for them.

Second Category: Those without a significant other (syn: Singles)
Description - People who fall into this category handle Valentine's Day in many different ways. Some deny that the day exists. They avoid Wal-Mart for weeks so as to not see all the candy, teddy bears and cards in flaming red, white and pink that scream out to them "YOU ARE SINGLE!" Then of course there are singles who all of a sudden decide that that cute guy at church or work is "the one" and become extremely friendly whenever he is around, just hoping that he MIGHT acknowledge they exist sometime before Valentine's Day, fall madly in love, and ask you out. These people are idiots. Other singles simply shut themselves in their house and cry their eyes out all day. Or they invite their best girlfriend over who is also single and they both sit around watching romantic chick flicks, eating chocolate and sharing a mutual understanding that life is unfair. *(However, some of these girls will watch movies like "New Moon" and decide that no one is better then Jacob. They will then spend the next 3 hours discussing everything about him from his abs to the hair gel he may use.)

Now at this point you may be saying to yourself "Susie, you are single. PLEASE don't tell me you do any of the aforementioned actions of singles." I don't so don't worry. :-) For me Valentine's Day is just another day. Its a day I've got to get through just like any other day. Besides, I've got the best Lover of all. Until He decides to bless me with an earthly Valentine, I am perfectly satisfied and content.  Not to say I don't want an earthly Valentine....but that's in bigger hands then mine. :-) **Note, I can't say this year I am "perfectly satisfied and content" because I'm not.  I am however, learning to TRUST in God's love and timing.**

I could go on about people on Valentine's Day cause it is actually extremely amusing. Especially those couples who got together just so they wouldn't have to spend this day single. Ya...never a good idea people. That's a disaster waiting to happen...just saying.

I have amused myself long enough. My sarcasm is starting to show.

For those of you wondering, I'll say it again: I'm happy with where I am in life right now. I just felt like being dramatic and hopefully entertaining to those who understand my sarcastic humor. You guys know who you are...you are few and far between.

I'll stop talking now.

P.S...um....don't suicide rates go up on Valentine's Day? Just saying....

    • You made my day. AMEN to all the above!!!!

    • This note is great! lol And I will be going to Dillons and getting flowers and chocolates tomorrow afternoon! lol Really though if your in a relationship or engaged especially you should not need a reason on calendar to express love and app...reciation for your wife or fiancee. Every day should be that way and it can be something like giving a foot massage when your hands are tired. lol Or watching Dancing With Stars when you'd rather be playing Call of Duty. lol Yeah true love ain't in a holiday it's in the simple everyday stuff.See More

    • oh... and did I mention that bunch of flowers wasn't even arranged? If you want roses arranged, thats 49.99
    • I couldn't agree more. I think you have just nailed down one of the reasons suicide rates go up. Its called being broke lol