Sunday, April 10, 2011

Crazy Love

I often wonder why God does what He does.  I know His ways are higher then my ways and His thoughts higher then mine.  Last week in Sunday School we talked about Nahum and how it paints a picture of God being a just God, a God who WILL punish sin.  We talked about how sometimes it seems sin is not being punished.  Sometimes we as finite humans decide to take matters of justice and punishment into our own hands.  And suddenly things get messy and now we have sin in our lives.  Sin that happened because we didn't trust God.

But my God is so infinite.  My life is such a small, minuscule event on His timeline.  I can have assurance that He will punish and He will show ultimate justice.  My job is to trust in Him and to share His love to everyone; even to those I deem unworthy of love.  Because who am I to judge?  Everyone is worthy of love, and God is the ultimate lover.

Sometimes I wonder why people are blind to this truth.  Why is it that people cannot see the unchanging, amazing, overflowing love of God?  Why do they search for love?  Why do they try to find satisfaction in boyfriend, after boyfriend, after boyfriend (or girlfriend)?  They see men (or women) as their ultimate satisfaction.  Everyone has a longing for love (which is a longing only God can fill), and instead of searching for God to fill the longing they "fill" it in people.  And it is a sad fact that people will often give up anything and everything to that person just for the "security and love" they get (in quote marks because that is NOT what they get).

Here's the deal: "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:14-15

It is OUR JOB! As a Christian we MUST spread Christ's love.  We cannot sit back and be lukewarm and judgmental!  Doing so to those who do not know, those who have not heard, it becomes a sin in our lives!

So dear friends, I guess what I'm trying to say is this: when you see someone involved in a lifestyle you do not approve of, you do not appreciate, or you even deem as dangerous and harmful...stop judging and start loving! God is the ultimate judge and His justice will be served.  But the impact to change lives comes from loving with the love of Jesus. With a radical, overflowing, crazy love.  And in the end...that is all that matters.

Much love <3  

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