Sunday, February 12, 2012

My last 40 days: I serve and incredible God!!

Okay, so where to start with this blog...its going to be massive so get ready.  A lot has happened in 40 days.

The first week of January I went to Passion in Atlanta.  Needless to say God did some amazing things while I was there.  I could get into many stories about the incredible people I met, the amazing way God moved, and more then you ever wanted to know about human trafficking.  I can say that there is more slavery in the world today then ever in the history of the world.  This has got to change.

On the last full night of Passion we held a candlelight vigil for the 27 million slaves in the world today.  As I stood out in the freezing cold waiting for the giant monument to stopping slavery we had built to light up for the world to see, God led me to pray through specific countries.  So I started to pray through countries by name, for the boys and girls, men, women and children suffering in slavery at that very moment.  But as I prayed God spoke to me so clear.  He asked me to pray for their captors and abusers.   For if there was no evil people enforcing slavery then it would not exist.  So as hard as it was I started to pray for the captors.  Then suddenly God spoke again.  He said clear as day "Susanna, you are just as vile and guilty and evil as the slaveholders."  I broke down.  My self is just as horrible as a slave trader, but God came and died for me.  And He died to save them.  He died to save you.

Before I went to Passion I had been considering going overseas and teaching music in a school for missionary children.  I have always wanted to go overseas and teach and I figured now would be a good time.  Having looked at a few things and gathering information I prayed that God would reveal to me at Passion if this was something I was supposed to continue pursuing.

Right before Thanksgiving I had applied for an elementary music teaching job at Wineteer Elementary in Derby.  Even though I emailed later about it no one ever got back to me so I dismissed this job as a possibility.  Well, smack in the middle of the week we were at Passion I got a phone call from the principal at Wineteer asking me to come for an interview the following week.  Needless to say I think God clearly answered my prayer and told me to stop looking overseas because He wanted me right here in Wichita.  Add to that the fact I discovered that Wichita is the 3rd largest human trafficking city in the United States and I knew I am needed here.

When we got back from Passion I interviewed at Wineteer.  I felt that it went well, but I held the job with open hands.  If it worked, great.  If it didn't...well, God had a plan.

After the interview I waited a week without hearing anything.  Finally, exactly a week later I got a voicemail late in the evening from the principal asking me to call him on his home phone number.  I called and he offered me the position.  After taking the weekend to do some further research on the job and consulting with people I trust I accepted the job on the next Monday and signed my contract a week and a half later.  I will officially be teaching full time at Wineteer Elementary starting the in fall.  God is sooooo good! He provides what I need just at the exact time.

I have been needing a new laptop for a while now, but haven't had the funds (or willingness to spend the funds I do have) to buy one.  When I talked to HR from Derby I discovered that they will be providing their teachers this summer top of the line, brand new MacBook Pro laptops.  Um...did I say God is good?

Okay, so after all this excitement happened I thought things would calm down, but nope.  God had other plans.  Driving home from work on Saturday (yes, the Saturday five days from when I took the job) I was involved in a car accident that totaled my car (not my fault btw.  I seem to have a knack for getting hit my young, inexperienced drivers who aren't paying any attention).

Amazingly I only had some bruises and soreness.  Had things happened a split second later I could have been seriously injured.  Since I had just accepted this job I had decided I was going to need to get a new car.  A) because I will have a long commute each day.  B) because my blessed car had lasted much longer then I expected...but it couldn't last forever :-/

Well....can I say this accident forced me to get a new car?  And I'm sure you can guess...but God provided the most amazing car ever in His perfect timing.  My timing was waiting a few months.  His timing was now.  And I couldn't have asked for a better gift from him!  This car is amazing and more then I could have ever asked or afforded had I been planning it all.

So there you go.  In a nutshell that is my last 40 days.  Of course everything has more details, more stories.  I could talk for hours on everything that happened at Passion alone.  I have built up some great new relationships and strengthened old ones.  If you want more details ask anytime.  I would love to share!!

My God is amazing and incredible and I love Him so much.  His timing is always perfect if we are just willing to wait on Him.  When we do He showers His children with good gifts of love.  How can we do anything but serve and praise Him in return!?!?!?!?!!

Much love <3

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