Friday, November 11, 2011

A Mini Rant

Okay so here is something that drives me crazy.  Why do people who think they make a lot of money buy stuff when eventually down the road all their purchases will catch up with them and they will realize they are poor with a ton of debt?  Seriously! I see all these people with "real" jobs, or making way more money than me.  They are buying all kinds of stuff I want to buy and getting stuff I want to have....and sure they have money for  But what about later?  So while I may get annoyed with those who seem to have it all, I just have to remind myself that if I "live like no one else now, I will get to live like no one else later."  So watch out all you big spenders, I'm going to be so rich someday that I can give it all away to the beautiful children in Africa, and still have enough left over to go SEE THEM TOO! So BOOM!

Rant over. 

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